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The Courier Mail

Yarra Valley Caviar uses the age-old method to milk salmon, writes Fiona Donnelly. We arrive at the farm smack bang in the middle of milking. But the sturdy black cattle that cross our path aren’t the centre of attention. The small group of workers huddled by a...

Yarra Valley Country Life

Hand-milking for a culinary delicacy in the Yarra Valley In a once a year event, more than 40,000 Atlantic salmon have been individually hand milked for caviar in the Yarra Valley. Yarra Valley Caviar is the only aquaculture farm of its kind in Australia to milk its...

Weekly Times

Gorman’s caviar Angus Thompson – July 14, 2011WeeklyTimes14Jul11EACH year, 40,000 Atlantic salmon are pulled from the fresh water of the Rubicon River and milked, by hand, for their precious caviar.Caviar is one of those gourmet delicacies whose origins...

Eat Drink

Where the salmon are treated with respect For most people salmon is not seen as a seasonal food; but for boutique producer Yarra Valley Salmon, it will only do just that. Yarra Valley Salmon’s Mark Fox has already built a reputation for being anything but...

On Food -14Sep2011

Fish farmer challenges seasons OnFood14Sep11Salmon is not seen as a seasonal food for most people.Rather, it’s generally taken for granted as a “year round” product regardless of the impact upon the fish’s quality of life or the taste for the...
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